This story takes place in the year 1992 when the band Red Hot Chili Peppers had a fall out. It also takes place in some very mysterious, tense and important times since the dynamics of the band were expanding. This album was also recorded in a haunted house. The then lead guitarist John Frusciante who had been in the band for the past 8 years was becoming increasingly addicted to drugs and his medical condition was getting worse by the day. The band was also just arising from the trenches of underground rock music and starting to become popular. Handling fame was also particularly hard for Frusciante and soon it came to a point where he had to quit the band although he did join them again after two years of rehab. Frusciante wanted to keep performing as independent artists and currently that's what he is doing, autonomous from the band. Obviously, I wasn't there at the time these events were taking place so I do not know the exact details ; only the fairly limited insight provided by online articles. Thus, this is just to clarify that these events have been altered to the like of my imagination and are completely fictious. I'm simply an avid fan of this amazing band. None of this actually happened of course, these are just fragments begot of my imagination about the rather defining era of Blood sugar sex magik era and some inexplicable unspeakable events that took place and ties of love made. I am not going to give it away in the intro who the ship is. There is mention of drugs in the story; and a lot many other unpleasant things and forbidden love and hard decisions. IF YOU ARE UTTERLY IN LOVE WITH RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS , AND DON'T MIND READING SOME GOOFY FANFICTION ABOUT THEM ONCE IN A WHILE THEN THIS IS FOR YOU.All Rights Reserved