This is a series of different pieces focusing on different aspects of life and different situations. Mainly of people living life differently or a long-term dilemma. Second installation of the series, "Pieces Of People, Pieces Of Life." They are inspired by people around me and my tiny bubble which is expanding. And almost all of of these have been written when I was sleepless. Around 3 o clock-ish. So you can or you maybe can't get some good reads. Thanks to all of those who have read my works beforehand and gave me their opinions for my writings (There's only 2 or 3 of them. That's it). About Kintsukuroi- Inspired by my friend who I never expected, would change me. This is who he is in reality. This is the person who saw me for who I was on the inside and ignored what the world would say about me and believed in me. People don't hang around him much for what he did in the past. But they, and you, don't understand that a person can change. An individual can change. You have no right to get angry when you see the changes in him/her. They changed for themselves, not for you or for the world. He has become a completely different person and I think you might not like who he is now. I like him for who he has become. I don't think he'll ever read this, but yeah, thank you for being a part of my life, dear inspiration guy. I hope you like what you'll be reading :)