What does the average person do when someone tells them, "do not touch this" or "do not open this"? Some will listen, and do as told. And others.... won't. Their curiosity of wanting to know or do just the opposite of told will win. And that's just what happens when Jimin tells everyone to not touch his bag of candy (lollipops). Once Jimin leaves, what do some of them do? They eat the candy. But what if when they try to buy a new bag of candy to replace the one they ate, they don't find that candy bag at any store. The candy was a limited edition candy, and was only available once a month. What will they do?
A book only providing random scenes about the Delgado family from the past, present and future <3
Almost all scenes brought to you by fellow readers :)
*reading Isabella and Delgado may be beneficial before reading these scenes*