5 parts Complete A lonesome teenager in the 1980s makes unlikely friendships and learns to love herself.
Hattie Erickson has never been popular. She never had any friends and was basically invisible to the world. People knew her as that weird girl who draws all the time, reads comic books, watches nerdy movies, and writes in a diary. This had never bothered her until freshman year of high school where she must venture through it as a weird girl without the help and guidance of her father, who died recently, and instead with her mother, the perfect blonde cheerleader-type woman who had been the most popular at her high school. By joining the most powerful clique in school, Hattie's days of unpopularity seem to be behind her, despite the fact she sacrifices her personality in order to fit in with people who treat her with no respect. Come senior year, she finds herself friends with Aubrey Goodman, Mona Bailey, Bonnie Salvage and Wanda Warner. The four of them are by far the most hated and unpopular people at the school. Hattie senses there is more to them than meets the eye and discovers their biggest secret. Realizing how much she'd rather be their friend, Hattie has to make a tough decision. Should she remain popular and make it through high school in one piece, or pursue a friendship that can bring both happiness and danger?
Written by Marti
Cover Art by La Luccertola