"Shadowpelt come quick, it's firefoot she's kitting." I bolt out of my nest into my herbs. once I have the herbs that I need I head to the nursery. "Sunspot can you get nightpaw for me I will need her help." Sunspot nods and runs towards the medicine den. After a bit they come back. "Shadowpelt what do I have to do to help this time." I hear my apprentice ask. "Same as last time get her to eat the herbs." I tell her. After a while we had gotten the last kit out, there were five kits. "So what are their names Firefoot?" I ask the mother. "Let's wait till Maplestar comes back, he has a say to." Firefoot says. Well if you want to read more go ahead into the book, but be aware of slow updates. I will post when I can and will try not to forget about this story. Im trying to post every friday but during certain times it will be a bit hectic, like during the school year, or when im at a freinds house, or when I have a lot of chores to do.