28 parts Complete Clara, a 32-year-old woman, leads a seemingly ordinary life in a small town. Behind her façade of smiles and daily routine, however, lies an intense inner struggle against suicidal thoughts. Abandoned by her relatives after a series of tragedies, she feels deeply alone and desperate.
Despite this, Clara refuses to let herself be overwhelmed by darkness. Every morning, she wakes up with fierce determination to find reasons to continue. Music becomes her refuge, her headphones almost an extension of her being. The lyrics of the songs sometimes seem to speak directly to her soul, providing her with a measure of comfort and strength to face the day.
Motivational videos on the internet have become her daily ritual. Clara finds inspiration in the stories of people who have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. These testimonies remind her that resilience is possible, even in the darkest moments.
She also creates a wall of quotes in her apartment, each phrase carefully chosen for its encouraging power. Words of wisdom from great thinkers, lines from books, and even inspiring comments left by strangers on social media all play a crucial role in her mental battle.
Despite these tools, Clara goes through periods of relapse where loneliness and despair seem to prevail. However, she always manages to cling to a fragment of hope, whether it's a new song, a particularly moving video, or a quote that resonates deeply within her.