After their infamous Nine-Nine wedding, Jake and Amy find themselves struggling to create a family while fighting crime with their friends and colleagues. Things haven't really changed in the precinct. Captain Holt still isn't the best at showing emotion, Rosa is still scary, Gina has still been on her phone, Terry still loves yogurt, Charles still gets too involved. And, well, you guessed it, Scully and Hitchcock are in the break room.
But when Amy finally finds out that she's pregnant, her husband is sent away... AGAIN. So the question has to be asked, is the Peralta family safer after Nine-Nine or can they still be the amazing cops that they are?
DISCLAIMER: Nothing written is canon to the show. This is all fanfiction. All rights to the show and characters belong to NBC and Fox.
Jake Peralta x Reader
A new detective arrives turning everyone's heads around, will she be the best? Or will she lose a small bet making everything in the precinct change
The story line is messed up, first few chapters won't be in sync with the show for the storyline but after I will take inspirations from the existing episode or add them in here for fun