It’s the year 2018. People had been vanishing every day in the past year. Siblings lost siblings, parents lost children, children lost parents and lovers lost lovers. The world was the very definition of all things dark – desperate, confused, terrified, lost. And not one person was ever reported to be found. And no one knew why. No one knew why the people went missing, or how. There was no pattern, no clue at all as to the type of people who disappear. And that is precisely why most of the remaining population world had all but given up, cowering in their little homes and hoping against all odds that they wouldn’t be next. Of course, all their prayers were in vain. There would always be people taken by both night and day. And they would never come back. They would be taken when no one would be looking, they would be taken silently; that much we know of. No one knew how to stop it. Hell, no one even knew what kept taking the people. Human kind was slowly losing all hope. Though some fought back. A group of boys who had lost all but each other seek to solve the mystery and bring salvation to human kind. And those boys go by the name of EXO.All Rights Reserved