Incolo Mission: Planet Talus is the story of three main characters, Claira Beaux, Geo Barchen, and Creed Freud, who's main objective is to travel the universe and populate as many inhabitable planets as they can. Claira, who's a young mother and wife, struggles with her own personal fear of being labeled as "crazy" because of her past experiences with mental illness. Geo, who's a burley German eighteen-year-old, has inner conflict of dealing with a recent heartbreak due to his wife not supporting his choice to take part of NASA's Incolo Mission Team. Creed is a softly-spoken young man, battling with incurable cancerous cells inbred in his DNA. Though they each have their own trials to face, the three characters make the perfect team of genius scientists because they were hand-picked by NASA due to their extremely high I.Q. results.
Claira wants nothing more than to succeed at her job because she ultimately left her loving husband and daughter behind to accept NASA's offer. The one thing that she fears the most, her mental health, begins to get in her way, along with other unexpected happenings. Geo and Creed share the same goal, though their obstacles are somewhat different than Claira's. While Creed fights to survive his inevitable cancer, Geo tries to keep the ship up and running while everything seems to cave in on their mission.
With no contact to NASA Headquarters back on Earth, it is up to Claira, Creed and Geo to inoculate the Talianvirus, spare as many people as possible, all while successfully populating planet Talus. If they can succeed at their mission, they can move on the next world, where they will have the same goal but a new set of obstacles in their way.
This entire story can be purchased via Amazon as a paperback or eBook: