This story follows the enigmatic Kamilah Mason, a mysterious figure who frequents the Museum of Natural History, drawn inexorably to the Ancient Egyptian exhibit. Every day, she sits in silent contemplation before the sarcophagus of King Khufu, her presence unnoticed by most, yet known by the museum staff, including the affable young manager, Louis Ingard. However, her quiet existence is disrupted when Peter Jefferson, an archaeologist and former colleague of Louis, arrives with an enticing proposition: an expedition to Egypt to explore a newly discovered pyramid. Louis, wanting to leave his adventuring days behind him, initially declines, but when the museum's favourite patron attracts the attention of this wayward guest. Louis has no choice but to agree with one condition. *** "You are my Queen," he states ardently as he grips my bare shoulders tightly. "Please for once in our marriage, listen and follow my instructions." My head shakes in refusal, tears tracing silent paths down my cheeks, my lips quivering as I meet his gaze. "I can't," I manage between sobs, my breaths ragged with emotion. "I can't bear to lose you again."