During the Xindi War, the Enterprise was thrown back in time, to 2037. Trapped in the Delphic Expanse and afraid of contaminating the correct timeline, the crew concentrate on themselves - and a bit on each other - as the reality of their situation sets in. Tempers flare. Discipline wavers. Depression runs rampant. But there's a light at the end of that subspace corridor, if they could only see it.
What happened between 2037 and 2154?
Was the crew proud of ANY of it?
Star Trek Enterprise fan fiction, starring Malcolm Reed, Jay Hayes, Jonathan Archer, Hoshi Sato, T'Pol, Tripp Tucker, Travis Mayweather, Dr. Phlox, and the entire crew of the NX-01. With special original characters Lili O'Day, Chip Masterson, Aidan MacKenzie, Jennifer Crossman, Deb Haddon, Brian Delacroix, Sekar Khan, and Sandra Sloane.
On April 19, 2165, the Enterprise and the Columbia go to Daranaea in this Star Trek: Enterprise fanfiction.
First contact with the Daranaeans brought guilt to the humans who made that contact, as they saw, first-hand, an oppressive hierarchical society. Now the Federation was having them make a second contact. Could it get any worse?