The Alternate centers on two mutant teenagers, Ami Mariano and Jordan Ashland. Bloodlust, whose real name is Ami, is the daughter of the heirs to the Alternate clan, Wisteria. After critically wounding a member of the Skyfall clan and witnessing the death of her father, Slash, the clan leaders exile Ami from the city of Hidden Gully. Three years later, they allow her to return from exile and enroll in the Hidden Gully School of Change, but with one condition... She must not seek revenge for her father's death. But there's already something holding her back from doing so. A secret about her, so great that if the public knew, it could destroy her. ---- Discharge, whose real name is Jordan, is the son of the leaders of the Skyfall clan. After the murder of his mother, Whiplash, and the critical injuries to his older brother, Spiral, he had to take on the role of the sole heir to the Skyfall clan. He enrolls into HGSC and serves as the school's prima mutant for three years until tasked with a nearly impossible job. Watching over the Alternate who ruined his brother's life, Ami Mariano. But he knows one thing for sure. His father won't rest until he crushes every single memory left of Slash Mariano, even if it includes getting rid of Ami. ---- Will these two be able to set aside their differences and please their respective clans, or will everything they both worked so hard to create, crumple in the hands of one another?
3 parts