During a unexpected and dangerous storm, Betty, Jake, Joey, Kayla, and Seth are sent to a different diemension, where day time is a paridise, and nightfall is all about surviving. A Mad Man is trying to get his hands on a very powerful amulet, which grants any wishes, good or bad, and the only way to get back home, saeftly. During the journey, Seth finds himself drawn to Kayla, but pushes the feelings away. They face all kind of danger, pirates, monsters, and man eating plants.
Declan lives in a world split between 'Daylighters' who live during the day and 'Nocturnals' who live at night. Declan is an unlucky Nocturnal. Son of a powerful navy commander, child of a terminally ill mother, brother to a high school dropout and best friend to a suicidal Nocturnal rebel, Declan's choices carry dire consequences. It doesn't help that he's in love with a Daylighter who has secrets as dark as her eyes. Who will he save - his family, his city, or the woman he loves?
*This story was written with the support of the 2017 Hachette Mentoring Program for young writers.*