40 parts Ongoing In a world where wealth and influence dictate the course of history, two extraordinary young individuals find themselves entangled in a web of secrets, power struggles, and romance. Logan Alexander Ashford, the world's youngest billionaire, inherits not just his father's fortune but also a legacy of power and secrecy. As the CEO of Ashford Enterprises, he skillfully navigates the corporate landscape, all while concealing his hidden talents as a master hacker and an underworld leader.
Across the globe, Mira Elise Callahan, the enigmatic daughter of a prominent billionaire, leads a life shrouded in mystery. Although her family's fortune is immense, she lives in the shadows, revealing little about her true identity. As a secret doctor specializing in both traditional and modern medicine, Mira is driven by her passion for healing and adventure, often engaging in thrilling activities like car racing and calligraphy. Unbeknownst to Logan, Mira is not just a beautiful girl from humble beginnings but a vital part of a powerful legacy.
Their paths cross unexpectedly, igniting a romance that challenges their understanding of love and loyalty. Together, they must confront their families' expectations, navigate the underbelly of power, and uncover hidden truths that could change their lives forever.