Main Entry: 1re·ject Pronunciation: \ri-ˈjekt\ Function: transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rejectus, past participle of reicere, from re- + jacere to throw — more at jet Date: 15th century 1 a : to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose, or use <rejected the suggestion> <reject a manuscript> b : to refuse to hear, receive, or admit : rebuff, repel <parents who reject their children> c : to refuse as lover or spouse 2 obsolete : to cast off 3 : throw back, repulse 4 : to spew out 5 : to subject to immunological rejection. ________________________________________ Andrea Sapphire Always rejected It hurts do be rejected Especially from your mate The supposedly loving, caring mate That would love you forever Not for Andrea Not everyone gets a happy ending.
He was gigantic.
The 7'0 monster of a man towered over her, even though he was sitting. Bright cyan eyes gazed down at her unreadably.
He gestured with his large fingers for her to come closer. She'd anxiously waddle up to him.
His bare chest was on full display. Long, complex tattoos covered his right peck and entire arm. A language she didn't understand was written all along it. She was squeezing her thighs together and studying his manly appearance like a whimpering dog in heat.
She could only squeal when he settled his hands on her hips and hauled her onto his lap.
Suffering from severe amnesia, a woman wakes up cold and alone in a forest. She doesn't know where she is, how she got here, or who she even is.
She's fortunate that a nearby community finds her and takes her in, where she meets a silent and... clingy... brute.