Kavi Diaries
  • مقروء 56,938
  • صوت 1,530
  • أجزاء 21
  • الوقت 4h 2m
  • مقروء 56,938
  • صوت 1,530
  • أجزاء 21
  • الوقت 4h 2m
مستمرة، تم نشرها في أبريل 19, 2014
You know when you have an idea, but it just isn't quite good enough to be a full out story? Yeah, well I have that a lot so, thus the 'Kavi Diaries' was born. This book is just a whole bunch of short Kavi stories, when I have a little idea like I was talking about I'll write one, or if you have a short story idea leave it in the comments and I may write a chapter dedicating it to you!! Hope y'all enjoy the 'Kavi Diaries' :)
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