Haruhi Fujioka lives a strange life. She is a member of the prestigious Host Club, at the beautiful and rich Ouran High. Only problem is, Haruhi is a peasant, and every student at Ouran is rich, and spoiled. Until she stumbled upon music room 3, and the Host Club. A group of frivolous boys who love to spend their time teasing the young ladies of Ouran with their charming good looks. Now, everyone at the school is mistaking Haruhi for a gorgues boy, when in fact, she is nothing more than a slender, A-cup girl. But she doesn't mind, since the only reason she really joined the Host Club was because of a debt. Haruhi finds that although the boys in the club maybe complete dimwits, she does enjoy being in the club.
But a friendly outing gone wrong turns Haruhi's life completely upside down when she becomes the target of a huge paparatsi scandal involving her, and you guessed it, the boys of the Ouran High Academy. Now, the whole word thinks she is a rich damsel. And that she is dating...herself? What happens when Haruhi must now pretend to be two people.
And to make matters worse is that, Tamaki, the rich spoiled pretty boy king of the host club is starting to take his fatherly love in a whole new direction. And Hikaru, the naughty twin, doesnt seem to take this too kindly.
Haruhi's once quiet life is now about to turn into a crazy, hair brained adventure. And, in the end, she's going to have to make a decision that leaves the Host Club (And the world) stunned.