Currently, whenever I am sad, happy or bored I go to my happy place. The fridge. Where I will proceed to inhale half of its contents, before continuing on to inhale most of the bread bin for good measure. You see, I only seem to remember that I am supposed to be losing weight after having multiple snaccidents... But I will be damned if I have come this far, paying my slimming club membership and having lost 19 and a half pounds (can't forget the half!) only to throw the towel in now! No chance. I intend to see this journey through. So I have decided to share my journey with you, my partner in crime, as I log my every loss, gain and moment of snaccidental shame. My favourite exercise is chewing so I am not looking forward to that part of the journey...any of it really, but I can hardly wait for the results. See you at the fridge!