A Hood Love Story
  • Reads 1,399,963
  • Votes 29,207
  • Parts 98
  • Time 17h 17m
  • Reads 1,399,963
  • Votes 29,207
  • Parts 98
  • Time 17h 17m
Ongoing, First published Jun 13, 2018
"Ian like these other niggas shawty, ion think you can handle a nigga like me". 

"This ain't no Fairytale love story shawty, everything don't just fall in place"

"You the first person I fell in love with"

"Imma hood nigga, ion know how to love"......


" I may be a street nigga, that don't mean I don't know how to treat a girl right"

"I'm a street nigga, not no fuck nigga"

"I'm not them other niggas up in Texas. I'm a real nigga"

"This just a hood love story baby girl. You're my queen and I'm yo king."...
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"I need you to be the put together one because I'm so fucked up. You've saved me." He whispers. "Carter, we saved each other." I mutter looking at him through my eyelashes. I lean into him, our lips not even an inch apart. "Sophia we shouldn't..." He looks hesitant. "Please, I need you." I almost started crying. "Please." I mutter one more time, my eyes begging for him. My body needing him. Sophia Carrington. She just moved from New York to California in search of a new life. When her life took a dark turn she's forced to leave everything behind. She just wants to finish her final year of high school, numb to the world, while learning to cope with the trauma she's endured. Carter Marquez. Newly single after being dumped by his girlfriend of two years. After losing his dad in a car accident he's fallen apart. The list of people he trusts is short, he hates letting people in. He's constantly trying to make up for his mistakes of the past, trying to find a new purpose in life. When the two of them collided, they instantly took a mutual disliking to each other. Misunderstandings and a dash of alcohol set a flame between them. Sophia hates the snarky remarks and stupid nicknames that leave his mouth. Carter thinks Sophia is just another trust fund brat. Soon their rivalry begins to dissolve and they learn that sharing the pain of their past can form connections they never thought to be possible. WARNING: This story contains mature topics such as sexual assault and drug addiction. Read with caution. Copyright Ā© by lulustoriesss 2021
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"š˜šØš® š šØš­ š¦šž šØš§ šœš„šØš®š š§š¢š§šž, š›ššš›š² š…šžšžš„š¬ ššš„š¦šØš¬š­ š„š¢š¤šž šš šš«šžššš¦." - š€šš‘šˆš‹ šŸšŸŽšŸšŸ š’š­ššš«š­ šššš­šž: šŸšŸŽ/šŸŽšŸ’/šŸšŸ š„š§š šššš­šž: šŸŽšŸ”/šŸŽšŸ“/šŸšŸ š“š–āš ļø: š€š›š®š¬šž, šœš”š¢š„š š§šžš š„šžšœš­, š®š§ššžš«ššš šž š¬šžš±, š š«šØšØš¦š¢š§š , š«ššš©šž, š¬šžš±ššš®š„ ššš¬š¬ššš®š„š­, ššš„šœšØš”šØš„ ššš§š š¬š®š›š¬š­ššš§šœšž ššš›š®š¬šž šžš­šœ. šˆšŸ ššš§š² šØšŸ š­š”šØš¬šž ššš«šž š­šØšØ š­š«š¢š š šžš«š¢š§š  šŸšØš« š²šØš® ššØ š§šØš­ š«šžššš. #šš„šššœš¤š‹š¢šÆšžš¬š’š­š¢š„š„šŒššš­š­šžš«. šŸŒ¹ š‘šžššžš¦š©š­š¢šØš§ | ššØšØš¤ šŽš§šž šŽšŸ š“š”šž šš«šØš¤šžš§ š’šžš«š¢šžš¬
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For Her Undamaged (GirlxGirl)

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