"But what if I fall?"
"Oh but my darling, what if you fly?"
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
( I will not reveal who is who yet, it will become apparent as you continue reading the story, But in the description I will address them by their sin.)
"If.. if you aren't human... what are you, what do you want from me," My voice came out much more confident than I felt and I was momentarily stunned.
They glanced at each other before large wide grins erupted all around, all turning to face me.
"The intense longing for sex, money or power, I am Lust," his smile fell and his eyes became hooded as he spoke, eyeing me through the slits of his eyes that shone a dark purple.
"Overindulgence, consuming more than required, I am Gluttony," he turned away eyeing the food I had left on my counter top.
"The desire to posses more than one needs, I am Greed," his glare shifted from lust, who was still eyeing me through hooded eyes, over to me. A dashing grin took over his features as he took my hand in his and plated a kiss on it.
"The lack or insufficiency of love, or rather the lack of feeling for the world, I am Sloth," I glanced down at the boy who was now sitting on the floor looking exhausted and completely disinterested as usual.
"The perverted love for justice, uncontrollable rage or anger, I am Wrath," a bright grin spread across his face, and I was taken aback that this angel was wrath.
"The desire of things others posses, I am Envy," A sigh left my lips when I noticed the stare off Greed, Envy and Lust were all having as if they were all telepathically arguing.
"And I..I am the mother of all sins, The original, if you will. The excessive admiration for oneself, I am pride," I glanced up to the man who was checking his nails seemingly just as disinterested as Sloth at the moment.
I glanced around the room analyzing all of them, crossing my arms and letting out a loud scoff, " you all must be insane."
"Only a little bit, Love"
SEASON 1 - 6
crownsmist, 2022
cover by @norasnetflix
spanish & french translations are in my reading lists!