Arranged (Namjoon)
  • Reads 58,427
  • Votes 2,064
  • Parts 33
  • Time 2h 6m
  • Reads 58,427
  • Votes 2,064
  • Parts 33
  • Time 2h 6m
Complete, First published Jun 13, 2018
I was bullied for having a nerdy image, one of those bullies I have to get married to, cause duhhh arranged marriage, it's because my Grandpa made a promise with my bully's Grandpa which was to make their grandkids get married to each other... I know right, it sucks

lmao this story sucks
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š˜/š, ššš§ š¢š§š§šØšœšžš§š­ š š¢š«š„ š°š”šØ š¢š¬ š­š«ššš©š©šžš š¢š§ šš šŸšØš«šœšžš, ššš›š®š¬š¢šÆšž, ššš§š ššžšÆš¢š„š¢š¬š” š¦ššš«š«š¢ššš šž. Just wanted to give you a heads-up - this story gets into some heavy stuff like abuse and mature content. If that's not your cup of tea, you can skip this anytime. No force. It's my first story. Enjoy the read! Warning of āš ļøšŸ”ž į“į“€į“›į“œŹ€į“‡ źœ±į“„į“‡É“į“‡źœ±, į“į“‡É“į“›į“€ŹŸ & į“˜ŹœŹźœ±ÉŖį“„į“€ŹŸ į“€Ź™į“œźœ±į“‡, į“į“‡É“į“›ÉŖį“É“ į“źœ° Ź€į“€į“˜į“‡, į“„į“œŹ€źœ±ÉŖÉ“É¢ į“”į“Ź€į“…źœ±, į“ ÉŖį“ŹŸį“‡É“į“„į“‡... :) (Edited) Published: 2022 May Completed: 2023 December šŒšØš¬š­ šˆš¦š©š«šžš¬š¬š¢šÆšž š‘ššš§š¤š¢š§š š¬ šŸ„‡#1 ÉŖÉ“ Ź™į“›źœ±įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā³āøĀ²įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‡#1 ÉŖÉ“ Ź™į“›źœ±į“ŠÉŖį“ÉŖÉ“įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā³āøā€¢Ā²įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‡#1 ÉŖÉ“ Ź™į“›źœ±į“ŠŹœį“į“˜į“‡įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā²āµā€¢Ā¹įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‡#1 ÉŖÉ“ Ź™į“›źœ±Ź€į“€į“˜į“į“É“źœ±į“›į“‡Ź€įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā¹ā·ā€¢Ā³įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‡#1 ÉŖÉ“ į“€Ź™į“œźœ±ÉŖį“ į“‡į“„į“É“į“›į“‡É“į“›įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā¹Ā³ā€¢ā·įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‡#1 ÉŖÉ“ į“€Ź™į“œźœ±ÉŖÉ“É¢įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  ā“ā€¢Ā²įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„ˆ#2 ÉŖÉ“ źœ°į“Ź€į“„į“‡į“…į“į“€Ź€Ź€ÉŖį“€É¢į“‡įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  ā·ā€¢Ā³ā¶įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„ˆ#2 ÉŖÉ“ źœ±ÉŖÉ“źœ±įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā³ā€¢ā·Ā²įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„ˆ#2 ÉŖÉ“ źœ°į“Ź€į“„į“‡į“…Ź€į“‡ŹŸį“€į“›ÉŖį“É“źœ±ŹœÉŖį“˜įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā²ā€¢Ā²ā·įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‰#3 ÉŖÉ“ į“ ÉŖį“ŹŸį“‡É“į“„į“‡įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  ā·ā“ā€¢ā¹įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‰#3 ÉŖÉ“ Ź™į“›źœ±į“›į“€į“‡ŹœŹį“œÉ“É¢įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā¹Ā¹ā€¢Ā¹įµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‰#3 ÉŖÉ“ į“€Ź™į“œźœ±ÉŖį“ į“‡Źœį“œźœ±Ź™į“€É“į“…įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  ā¹ā“Ā³ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢ šŸ„‰#5 ÉŖÉ“ Ź™į“›źœ±į“ įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ’į¶  Ā²Ā²ā€¢āøįµ Ė¢įµ—įµ’Ź³ā±įµ‰Ė¢
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THIS IS A TAEKOOK X OC Polyamorous relationship (Just wanted to get that across to some who don't know.) "Baby, I want to stop with the plan all it's causing is you and me both is pain. Now that your pregnant I don't want you getting anymore hurt. I want to tell everyone you are mine and that I am yours. I don't care about what it will do to my future as long as you are happy by my side safe and healthy. Since my friends don't know that we are together the think it's ok to bully you while I try to make them stop. The only day I was out or school and made you go to school was a day I regret and will forever regret. They got physical with you and broke your arm. They would have never done that if I was there. They know I don't take kindly to hitting girls it's wrong, pathetic, and weak of a man to hit a woman. I want to stop with the plan because in the beginning it seemed like a good idea but now it's out of hand I want to protect you and be able to keep you safe. Please let's stop this and be happy for once. And don't worry we don't have to tell anyone your pregnant until we actually need to since both of our parents know. No one else needs to know."