Previously named "Myla & Michio," it is now named "Myla & The Nishida's!" This compelling sequel follows the riveting journey of Kaya and Michio Nishida, building upon the heart-wrenching narrative of 'Don't Kill Yourself & Your Family, Please!' Linked here: As the Nishida siblings break free from the tormenting grasp of their abuser, Ryuzaburo, "Myla & Michio" takes a brighter turn, exploring the profound transformation and resilience of their spirits. In a world where hope seemed elusive, their story emerges as a beacon of strength and hope, illuminating the path to recovery and renewal. Join Kaya and Michio in this emotionally charged sequel, where the shadows of their past are gradually eclipsed by the brilliance of their indomitable spirits. A tale of redemption, resilience, and the enduring power of the human spirit awaits within the pages of this captivating story. Discover it now on Wattpad and embark on a journey of healing and triumph. 🌟📖 #EclipsedBrilliance #Sequel #Wattpad #HealingJourney