Soaring Through Heart Break
11 parts Ongoing In a world where the hunt for horcruxes never existed, Harry Potter and his friends return to Hogwarts for their seventh year, hoping for a semblance of normalcy amid the looming shadow of Voldemort. For Harry, however, this year brings more than just the challenge of preparing for battle-it brings the heartbreak of unspoken love. Realizing his feelings for Hermione Granger, Harry gathers his Gryffindor courage to confess, only to discover her heart belongs to someone else. As he silently witnesses her happiness with Ron, Harry must navigate the pain of unrequited love while striving to protect the people he holds most dear. Will he find solace in the skies as a Quidditch player, or will his heart forever remain grounded in longing?
I dont own Harry Potter or its Characters unfortunately