Jackson Thomas Overland frost -guardian,gang leader with Kristof,Hiccup,flynn and have a ice powers,boss,kidnapper,50% nerd,pervert,bad boy,hand some,foot ball leader,pupolar boy,cute(he had a rule to him self)-it's hard to resist to be a bad boy who's a good man,singer
Hiccup henry Haduck-have a power to control the dragons,part of the big 4 i am a members,kidnappers,bad boy,pupolar boy,cute,handsome.singer
Eugene fitchherbert-figther,can use frying pan for fight,part of a big 4 member,kidnapper's,bad boy,pupolar boy,cute,handsome.singer
Kristoffe ken Bjorman-figher with partner a reinder name sven,part of a big 4 member,kidnapper's,bad boy,pupolar boy,cute,handsome,singer
Elizabeth Sapphire Winter Arrendelle-queen bee,rich,queen of Arrendelle,sexy body,hot,#1 model,owner of every each company in country,#1richess woman in the world,beuatyfull,genius,badass,leader of the 4 sesson's/the 4 nerds/the 4
Annabeth neriza spring arrendelle-rich,#3model,sexy,bubly,prencess of arrendelle,pretty,smart,sometime's bad,member of 4 season's/the 4 nerd's/the 4 royal's,dancer,singer
Rapunzel athena summer corona-rich,#2model,sexy,pretty,smart,bad,prencess of corona,memner of 4 seaaon's/the 4 nerds/the 4 royals,dancer,singer
Merida michelle Automn dunbroch-rich,#4model,sexy,pretty,smart,badass,prencess of dunbroch,member of 4 seasons/4 nerds/4 royals,singer,dancer
North,Aster/bunny,tooth,sandy,hans,vanessa,pitch,gothel,mordu,cindy,snow,manny,jake,carlos,mal,evi,jay,ben,shane,melany,aurora,kai,mulan,shriek,fiona,tigeress,po,crane,emma,diamond,goldie,ruby,emerald,AND ANYONE ELSE