In a world where Magic and powers of the supernatural exist, there is a school where humans and supernatural beings go to it is called Webiton Academia, aka Academy for the supernatural, in this school, magic and other types of powers are taught,Humans, Werewolves, Vampires, Ogres, Ghosts, Hunters, Spooks, Succubus, Fairies, Sprites, Giants, Angels, Demons, Witches, Sorcerers, Dwarfs and other magical creatures attend this school in other to enhance their powers and unlock their true potentials
Akira, arrives on the night of the Crimson Blue Moon at Webiton Academy, she is a mysterious girl with a hidden past, when she arrives so does the evil forces that roam the dark.
Who is Akira? What is she? Where dis she come from? Is she a regular human, a gifted human or a magical being?
One thing is certain, she is more than what she looks like, will her arrival destroy the world or help save it from the forces of evil..