This crackconcept!fic is a direct result of this episode-- I suggest you watch it before you try to refute my version of why Bishop really went good. Snickers... TMNT::FF Head of State- Part 1: Pay attention to facial expressions for Part 2: & Part 3- has priceless scorned lover dialog: And that LJComm:TMNT_Tuesdays challenged people to write for the prompt Bishop-- now the first thing I think of is how Bishop is a love/hate character-- even to the other characters! Author: ProphetELLA Pairing: Slashy for more than one reason? Rating: PG- 9 for 2 cusses Disclaimer: TMNT belongs to Viacom and the Bastards ain't sharing yet! Summary: Bishop really NEEDS Stockman and he's willing to use the Turtles to get him back or die trying. For the fun of it--- People feel free to use this base concept to explain Bishop in the weirdest ways possible. All it needs is a bit of reprogramming by Stockman into Bishop's created body and you can get everything from Mpreg to courting April O'Neil to Attempting to take over Broadway! I mean, what would you do if you were a mad scientist nutso who could tamper with the bodily needs, desires and inclinations of the OTHER most brilliant mind on the planet? Or any other characters' head? Yeash, I unleash Stockman tampering onto the fandom. :bwhaha: What comments DID John Bishop use to get Raphael to throttle him? Some rather derogatory statements about Leonardo's *ahem* skills. o.0 Oooohhh!(CC) Attrib. NonComm. NoDerivs
1 part