Runaways. That is what Alison and Sapphire are, what one has the other lacks.
Alison, she has the perfect life, money, the newest Prada bags and phones; however she’s kept from her true self, her true wants. Image is everything to her family, or well her mother, she’s forced to fit the prefect mold her mother has set for her. You know the one, pearls around the neck, prefect hair, nice natural make up, the dresses, the heels and you can’t forget the fake smiles. All Alison wants is to be free, to be who she wants. Alison planed to run away but she never thought running away would end like it did.
Sapphire, she has a harder life than Alison, though she has to work to keep her and her mother in their home and to keep her sisters in college she has the one thing Alison desires, a family that accepts her for who she is. Sapphire is labeled as a freak at school, the blue and green hair, piercings and dark make up, doesn’t make people exactly think you’re normal. She desires something has well, something Alison has. Money, enough money to buy her father a proper grave stone, to pay for her sisters and herself to go to college, and some to help her mother pay for the house. Sapphire never planned on running away and certainly didn’t think that it would affect her future that much.
her mother always told her stories that every person has their own golden star. our little rays of hope that always shine. no matter how far away we always see their glow. as a little child she always believed in this until her life drastically changed.
27 year old Y/N working in a cafe and study law. always quiet and nice but what will happen if one day she meets a woman with beautiful captivating green eyes.