22 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesAs the narrator, I'm tempted to simply write "Middle Finger" because that is essentially what you'll feel like I'm giving you in telling this story. However, for the sake of not being a complete dick, I'll write a little more than just a description of a disrespectful gesture. This story can aptly be described as crude and deranged. As you may have surmised, a crazy person will be telling this story, and the characters involved are indeed also all crazy in their own special ways. So, given this exercise in mental illness, the topics touched on (in no particular order) in this tale are destruction, death, superpowered wackos, torture, pain, loneliness, chaos, the will to survive, never giving up, giving up and not giving a shit, the desire to protect, failing to protect and causing more trouble than was already present, disappointing and/or abusive parental figures, bullies, unjust punishments, just punishments, racism, violent and usually superpowered fights, sci-fi gadgets, bitterness, sarcasm, twisted and demented comedy, control or lack thereof, weird and awkward high school drama, lies and brainwashing, alien aggression, moral ambiguity, unhinged villains, fantastical weapons, a piece of shit main character, conditional friendship, a fuck load of musical references, anger, fear, depression, extra-dimensional creatures, godly powers, various esoteric connections, pop culture references, and of course, in general, superpowers.