Summary: Eren is a highschool student of Maria Academy. He's said to be the top of the batch in each school year but never have friends after the rumor of him being a monster spread. He's father, Grisha Jaeger, left him and his family for another woman. His mother, Carla Jaeger, maybe a single mother but she can manage the needs of her two children which is him and Zeke. He's is a half brother of Eren. He's annoying yet caring and loving brother. Eren had a crush on one of Zeke's friends which is Jean but after that day, these bad boys invaded Eren's life. Along the way, he'll meet new friends and know more about Zeke's friends. WARNING!!! THIS BOOK IS A FANFICTIONAL YAOI (BOYXBOY OR BOY TO BOY). DON'T LIKE IT THEN LEAVE. NOT MY PROBLEM. I do NOT own any of the pictures, characters and their personalities but I do own the story. Expected that there are wrong grammars along the way. (Author is not good at grammars but was inspired to write this.) I can't promise you guys that there's smut but I can promise you that there's fluff. As much as I wanted, I want this book to be family-friendly. If there's a story that's just the same plot as mine well sorry, I didn't know. This just pop in my head. Let me go ahead, this story isn't Eren×Jean. Although you might see some fluff on Jean and Eren but I assure you, it's just a little side line. Enjoy! (^_^)All Rights Reserved