John- His adopted parents decided to send him to camp for the year. The same camp the his cousins, Sister, Thier friends and his both his mortal enamies and ex go. but what about when he meets his other four cabin mates? Alex- Him and his friends and boygriend go to camp with its leader aka his and lafs adopted dad and adopted mom, Mr. and Mrs. Washington. everything goes good until they meet the magical group and thier two cabin mates. Is there something that his and Thomas's crush is hiding? Nightlara- Her and her friends and sisters decided to go to camp Revalution for the year and they get exiting when they hear that their fav gay cousin is going too. but what about when they find out that he has a crush on two of his cabin mates and they have the same crush on him? Also keeps an eye on crupter and hero and makes sure they dont murder each other. Will that be even possible? Adam- Him,Hero and teddy all agree to keep everyone especially John safe exept crupter.( they decide he can fend for himself :3)) But what happens when they arent sure about both John and his cabin mates and about john having a bit of a crush? (HOLLY CRAP! I ACTUALLY MADE A DESCRIPTION! GO ME!))All Rights Reserved