Good Gone Bad
  • přečtení 1,320
  • Hlasy 37
  • Části 3
  • Čas 8m
  • přečtení 1,320
  • Hlasy 37
  • Části 3
  • Čas 8m
Průběžné, poprvé publikováno dub 21, 2014
Diana Sage is the girl at school that barely has friends, nerd with braces and big glasses. Diana was shy, lack of confidence and always with books. Diana always wanted to come out of the shadow and step into the light She was tired of everything, she was especially tired of her bullies. Diana finally decided to stand out of the crowd, to change herself. A image that no one would except of a "shy nerd" girl. One day her parents told her that they are moving to New York far away from London. Diana promised herself to get her revenge. After two years she moved back to London. Same school and same people. Nobody reconginze. Diana starts her revenge plans. It won't be easy. Will she complete her goal?It's for you to figure it out!
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