"Its time."he says grabbing my hand and running to the back of the stage, then I look at my watch, its only 7:45 it doesn't start till 8:00,
"Its not time yet."I say, once we teach the stage.
"I know."he says, "I thought I would save you from them."he says,I smile and hug him really tight, for like 3 minutes.
"Thank you." I say pulling back, smiling.
"Your welcome." hes says, smiling. Wait! Four-smiling? what?
"Oh my gash!"I yell with a fake shocked looked on my face, he looks concerned,
"What? What's wrong?" he asks, I start laughing and say,
"You smiled! For the first time!"I say, he glares and starts chasing me, then I fall over a chair.