*Complete* The story takes place where Jurassic world left off. Claire, Owen, Zach, Gray, Karen, Scott and the rest of the survivors from the park are waiting for the boat.
After a day of near death experiences the boat for workers and their families arrives. Claire, owen as well as scott, Karen, Zach and grey, all get ready for the journey home. But forgetting the past isn't as easy as they all hope. With the resent events that the family has to overcome they also have to suffer attention from the media. With the day of destruction haunting them they have to try and look forward. With a strong love forming between Claire and owen the family hope the past is done with them. With new lives to form the family needs to stick together. But can they do it?
This is mainly focused around Reece and his eating disorder but they will be some other sensitive topics mentioned. I will give trigger warnings at the start of every chapter.