Angelica has to hide away this winter. Everything is beyond her radar, it's cold, rough and she can't think properly with no food, no money and the fact that she has no place to stay. From that loving, caring, funny, sneaky and naughty girl she was, she has changed into a cold soul. A heartless person. Running away from her family was first, after finding the truth out . What was next?? She gets offered a Job at the baker's, sleeps at a motel and starts school with the help of an old sweet couple. Is this all she is going to have??? She had big dreams, goals which needed to be achieved. When she joins the school talent show, everyone sees what potential she has. So why are the girls so unkind to her?? Angelic has become popular...she is supposed to be respected...what did they not like her??? She finds out when she has to perform with the 17 year olds un G and T. She can't blame the girls, he is cute, with his dark thick curly hair, his Spanish accent and the way he sings its really good, she wants to perform with him in the assessment, but she hates his ways of being cocky and hated his big ego, last of all could no obey see he did drugs!! So if she hates hm with her could she feel sorry for him when he gets caught with a bag of cocaine in his bag and is arrested, she helps him, why undo something you wanted??!