They might be considered people who go to places other people want to go to yet can’t.
Well, not in this world.
Jetsetters do go to places other people can’t, but there’s one thing that makes them stand out from the typical crowd.
They do not go on flight for simply, travel and pleasure. In this world, they send themselves to missions they didn’t have knowledge about until they get there.
And when they get there, they have to figure it out for themselves. But not only that, they have to learn how to get away from a glimpse of a deadly trap, or even a fake one that can cause them great trauma.
Most people get ready for these chances of flying, but never did they know they would not be the slightest bit of ready. Even the self-proclaimed people that think they can use wits as a strategy, but no technique ever worked for the Jetsetters.
Even the reason of the Jetsetters doing this is still unknown. Most of them think it’s to get themselves a real challenge, because life itself isn’t much of it in their own perspective.
Jetsetters never give up, if they fail in their missions, they go once again, even when bruised physically and mentally.
Other people look up to them in awe, for the valid reason that Jetsetters have a dominating sense of determination, even if they fail almost every time.
No preparation is enough for these challenges the Jetsetters go through, not even a cure to whatever they may have afterwards.
The lifestyle of a Jetsetter is very complicated.
But becoming one can be the hardest decision they’ll ever make.
النوع: شونين اي ، مأنها ، كوميديا ، دراما ، الحياه المدرسيه
العمل: مستمر
"يوما يحكى قصه مرحه عن الحياة المدرسيه اليوميه لمجموعه من المراهقين"
كانت الصورة الجماعية في روضة الأطفال بمثابة نقطة البداية التقى (زان زينغشي) و(جيان يي) لصداقة مدى الحياة بين نشأ معا، بأصدقاء جيدين مثل (هي تيان) و(مو جوانشان) في الحرم الجامعي.
19 يوما" ليست فقط الحياة اليومية المريحة والسعيدة للأشخاص الأربعة في الحرم الجامعي، ولكنها أيضا قصة شبابية يفهم فيها الأولاد بعضهم البعض ويساعدونهم على النمو
لا احلل نشر ترجمتي دون معرفتي