"stop." "stop what?" "stop giving me bloody sparks." Aubrey Fitt. Born in 1999 and she's proud of it. She isn't the typical girl. Skateboards and penny. She has tons of skateboards and penny but there is one very special to her. Razor. Her very first penny. Wish. Her very first skateboard. And finally Dayum, her beloved BMX. She brings the both of them around with her without fail. She wear glasses but she hates them because she looks weird without them but she would never wear contacts (contradicting much?). She has black hair (surprisingly), dark brown eyes. She dyed her hair before and now her hair is half blonde and half black. She is naturally tan (bonus!) and she loves it. She stays in California by herself because her parents entrusted her to stay by herself even though she is only 15, well turning 15. But because of one incident, her life will not be the same.All Rights Reserved