Along time ago , the gods Hades, Zeus and Poseidon created with Anubus and Ra, the Magical Laws of the Universe. Every galaxy, planet and dimension falls under these Laws. The one enemy is black and blood crimson magic. These are forbidden for all who use magic and have magical bloodlines. Date and time: Creation Era: This is the story of Bluest Purest and the happenings that caused the first evacuation of a planet far from Earth, Called Bluest Pur , it is the ancestral home of several hundred folks of different ways of living. The prediction of the disaster that caused the first evacuation, is not the only crimes being committed. Time Travelers are being caught and arrested and punished by the gods and go ddesses of the future. It is forbidden by the gods to time travel to any time in history past, present and future. If it wasn't for the lessons learned from doing this it would be a lot harder to catch them in the act but not so for Vudu Dolsix and his friends and family. This is where our storyteller begins.