Jaylin Dark her last name suits her because she has a dark past she's never told anyone fully about the only people who fully know are her parents and big brother shes dating queen bee Camila Cabello at Miami high they were the schools power couple always together happy Jaylin was so close to telling her the truth about her past but then Camila grew distant Jaylin didn't understand Camila got closer to jock head Austin Mahone everyone was a little worried Camilas 4 best friends they didn't like what Camila was doing they saw something break each day inside Jaylin and they didn't know what to do lauren fully knew Jaylins past because they grew up together Lauren lived it with her but Lauren never told Camila that or any of the girls Camila didn't pay attention she didn't realize she was breaking the girl she had been with for 3 years one day Jaylin stopped coming to school everyone was scared and worried because Jaylin was known for her dark aura she'd punch you in a heart beat she's the type of girl everyone stays far from you see because of her past it turned her heart into ice until she met Camila but now that's changed she disappeared and came back but not as the usual jaylin she was back to the Jaylin she was supposed to be lets find out what happens..All Rights Reserved