Wonderwall: (n) Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time, someone you're infatuated with.
There had been five.
In my life, there have been five girls I've fallen in love with. Five who have been my wonderwall.
There was Melody, who sang her way into my heart.
Kendra, the boldest girl of all.
Summer, the brightest and girliest girl I'd ever met.
Belle, who made me fall in love with so much more than just her spirit.
And Dawn, who understood me like no one ever could.
Five wonderwalls, each a different story.
And this is how it happened.
* * *
[ This story is in no way related to the song. ]
* Featured on WattPadShortStory *
* Featured on WattPad's YA *
* Featured on WattPad's UndiscoveredBooks *
* First place in the Writers Awards *
* First place in Glitter Awards *
* First place in the Creativity Awards *
* First place in Sunflower Awards *
* First place in Honour Awards *
* First place Coffee and Cake Awards *
* First place Blue Rose Awards *
* First place The Aeryn Awards *
* Second place Piggyback Awards *
* Second place Gemstone Awards *
* Second place The Soul Awards *
* * *
"This really brings me back to being a kid." - TheDeadPlace
"I binged this whole thing now I want to read it over and over ❤️" - josiecat987
"There are so many things you can do with classical romance but this book CHANGES EVERYTHING. When I saw the synopsis, I was thinking "aaand another romance, there's no way this is going through". Wrong again! The author is so skilled at developing a story that I'm beginning to call it natural-born talent. When cliche. Is taken. On another level." - Millie (feedback from Piggyback Awards)
"This book will inspire many romance novelists." - Rachel (feedback from Piggyback Awards)
"What a beautiful and heartwarming read! Your concept, your voice, your aesthetics, your execution; it was all breathtaking. I could have read this story many times over." - TheCreativityAwards
Credit for the cover goes to @goldenways :)
James Anderson, one of the best detectives in Willynee is assigned to investigate the murder of 33 year old Lily Plugger, HIS EX.
After a thorough investigation, he gets a phrase, 'Your Ex's Ex'.
James is confused as he thought he was the only one Lily ever dated
However, as he investigates further, he finds out that Lily was a very secretive woman whose life to the outside world was a lie.
Meanwhile, James finds love with his partner, the charming Miss Charlotte unexpectedly.
Will James find out the truth about his ex? Can Detective Charlotte be trusted? Find out.
Cover by: meha-k