This is the story of a dragon named Ivy, who is secretly a hybrid Rainwing-Seawing. All the Rainwings thought of her as one of their own...until one day. Ivy had decided she wanted to go see her mother in the Seawing Kingdom. As she swam through the water, she didn't know she could only hold her breath for a short amount of time. She didn't know the exact location of the Seawing kingdom, and had to do her best to find it in the time she had. She barely survived, escaping just at the last moment to get away from the depths of the waters. Soon, she meets a Seawing named Kelp, and he takes her to her mother. Sadly, she realized she didn't have a place in the sea kingdom. She couldn't go back to the Rainwings - not after she left and didn't say anything about it. A life of an outcast can make a dragon darker than ever before. Did the lightest Rainwing become the darkest villain?
18 parts