Synopsis: Meri, Jack, Hadley, and Rebecca think of themselves as being perfectly normal teens in a perfectly normal town. But when a girl at the local college develops mysterious powers and the four's lives are frequently threatened, they come to realize that nothing in Donne is exactly what it seems. ( I know, cliché. But I couldn't come up with anything better!) Yeah, so, this is my Big Four (or Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons) fanfic. It's not great, I don't think... but I had this Idea, so yeah. DISCLAIMER - I do not own any of the characters/plotlines/etc: Rise of the Guardians belongs to DreamWorks. Brave belongs to Disney (I think). Tangled belongs to Disney. How to Train your Dragon belongs to DreamWorks. All other movies and stuff (Hotel Transylvania, Frozen, Epic, etc) belong to their respective owners.