56 chapitres Terminé {Originally Lovely Tears Of Blood} I walked into my bedroom after a long day at school, Martha had cut my hair at sheared angle making it look horrid again, Terry dumped her coffee down my new white blouse, and Kaden looked up my skirt, then proceeded to show everybody pictures he had taken with his dumb-ass phone. Walking into my bedroom after that hell of a day, I thought things were looking up for me. But here right in front of me was just another peg on my pole of shit I didn’t want to deal with. There was a CORPSE on my bed, just laying there. I dropped my bags to the ground throwing my hands in the air.
"Fuck this!" I turned to leave, but it moved.
It did, the corpse moved slowly moving up onto his elbows giving me a very groggy look with dark sea foam green blue eyes.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked running his hand through his dark ashy hair.
At Raven Crest Academy, 8-University boarding school, Aderyn Taun fights through each day. Lucky for her everyday is nearly the same making it simpler to cope with. When she walks through her bedroom door and finds a semi-conscious young man on her bed things begin to set into motion. And with a single name she has struck a deal with a monster, Saebriel Cashel.
Suddenly swept under the dictatorship like rule of an Ancient pure blood vampire, Aderyn struggles against her own stubborn and independent personality to keep his rage on a low. Her simple existence turns into a fight for survival against Were-wolves, Vampires, magic, and a darker evil that has been tracking Aderyn since birth. Her only protector against this evil is Saebriel Cashel, the monster she made a deal with.
With an ominous warning from a mystic Aderyns entire future depends on this one ancient, hormonal pure-blood Vampire. Her life is his, it always was. In the end he will have the choice to either be her complete destruction or her salvation.