To: Ry ^_^ Hey Riley! Do you still remember me? :) We used to be bestfriends.. But I ended it when she came in the picture. :/ I tore something so beautiful. Our friendship.. I'm so so sorry for being a dick to you.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings when you confessed your love for me. I guess I was just shocked when you told me you love me.. Not realizing that I love you too.. She and I broke up a few weeks ago. I need comfort. I need soothing words. I need a hug. I need a shoulder to cry on. I need a movie with my favorite person in the world. I need my bestfriend. I need you. I need my Riley.. :( I miss my bestfriend. I miss you Riley. :'( I love you.. Do you forgive me?? *Deletes the whole text* To: Ry ^_^ Hey ry! 'sup? :D I waited for her response and soon received one. From: Ry ^_^ Oh wow! so u actually decided to msg me like you did nothing wrong?? Fuck off! So I guess she already gave up on me. So much for being a real bastard to her.All Rights Reserved