This story will follow a new student at Duel Academy, Lorelai Amrita! Watch, or read, as she goes through her days at Duel Academy with Jaden, Syrus, Bastion, Alexis, n the rest of the GX cast!
It has been five years since Jaden and Lily got married had their children Yusei and Kari Muto Wheeler Yuki. Now it is their turn to go to Duel Academy. Lily and Jaden are teachers at Duel Academy. When a new Student comes to Duel Academy Yusei falls for her. ( Yusei looks like in Yugioh 5ds) Y/n falls for Yusei as well. She is the daughter of Akiza Izinski. Akiza gave Lily her deck. Akiza loves her daughter more than anything. Y/n has her red hair and brown eyes. She becomes best friends with Yusei's sister Kari. What will happen at Duel Academy with this generation?