Peace and Harmony (ZachBot x Reader Wild Kratts fanfic)
20 Bagian Lengkap (Desclaimer) Before you read the story; I just wanted to say that all rights belong to PBSKids and the Kratt Brothers, this was no sponsor, it is all just for the people who love this specific character from the show. Thank you! (Team-EWP Blurple-Galaxy, A.K.A. Lyliana)
You were walking outside your house on a lovely summer break. The people chatted about in your neighborhood street, the birds sang melodies, the sky was clear, and some squirrels hunted for some acorns.
This summer was a going to be a busy holiday, you're parents had a lot of plans for the vacation. you all mingled about seeing some animals at the zoo or maybe go on a trip to any country, and your dreams came true. After a long ride from what seemed like a marathon, your parents unpacked the car and made some tea in the cabin, you laid on the cozy couch and (like you always did) texted your friends on your iPhone.
At evening, you gazed at the sunset admiring the golden colors of the sky until they faded into a stary blue and black sky.
suddenly, there were kids (your age) peeping out of the grass/bushes in red shirts, it was strange how they were dressed the same color but you didn't care, you gave them a friendly wave until a strange sound that sounded like technology and mechanical moans came from there bodies, they acted pretty odd for kids, suddenly they transformed into hardware robots with a cake shaped body, a dome shaped head that looked like an army tank, and a pipe for a mouth, they grabbed you by the arms one also held your mouth shut and took you into what looked like an Airship?