Beetus is an eleven year old neko. With his licorice black hair, and ordinary outfits, he is easy to spot. And he's also easy to spot on the worldwide news. Looking for his favorite toy, he finds a plain white jacket. From an easygoing and somewhat awkward boy, he has turned into a killer..
Beetus: age eleven, spiky black hair, somewhat consisting of emo bangs.
Gizmo: Age five, an oddball little sister of Beetus's. Bright Blonde, short hair.
JayJay (shortened to JJ, his full first name is Jayfur):Age 21 Quite nerdy, secretly watches hentai, navy blue hair.
Mischieffur: Age 22, older brother of JayJay. Short hair, Spiked brown. obsessed with Eminem.
Melody: Age 16, older than Harmony by a few months. long orange hair, dating mischieffur, from the country
Harmony: Age 16, a bit Gothic, she has black hair with emo bangs, including a gray cat hoodie she always wears.
**Based off of Jeff the killer
Alex worked as a repairman for playtime co but after slowly piecing the orphans dissaparing and the new bigger body's coming in he left playtime co and quit but he got something from playtime co 10 years later he gets a letter saying that the employees are still there and decided to go a see what has happened to the employees but also to rebuild playtime co as the corporation he thought it was before he found out its secrets also warnings will be in the parts they are in