Ivy Layla Athena, One to stand straight, One to be nice, one to ask if your okay. One who's scared of the lighting and thunder. Her ocean eyes hold a strong storm that waits. She's quiet, always locked in her room.
Until her parents make her go to a private school. Not just a private school. It's a rich private school.
she's not one to ask for things but she's asked if she could go to a public school and we'll she's going to one but it's private. and she knows she won't fit in their.
"Mom can I got to a public school?" I asked my mom. "And what's wrong with the home schooling?" She asked. "nothing, I just want to experience the really high school experience. and I want some friends." I said.
"And the mailman doesn't count as a friend mom." I say. Yes, yes I'm friends with our mailman. Shame isn't it? She looked at me. I did my puppy dog eyes. "Go ask your father, Ivy." she sighed.
I nod. I run to my dads study. I knock on his door. "come in, Ivy." I smile. "daddy, can I please go to a public school? Pretty, pretty, please!" I begged.
He looked like he was having a conversation with him self.
"how bout you let me and your mother speak about this school thing tonight, alright." He smiled. I sighed. when they talk about this kinda stuff. it's usually a big fat no.
"okay, ....... dad,......... you can't keep my locked up for ever you know. I'll have to leave at some point." I said. I left his study and went to my room.
Now there maybe some bullying in this I'm not sure yet but I hope you like my book.
there will be some strong language in here so don't be surprised to it.