Tara can be defined by multiple things but the most true for her are the following.
-secondary nature: Omega
-species: Carpathian
-multiple "quirks"
Carpathians are the hidden top species. Adult carpathians cannot be touched by sunlight sinces its fatal. They drink blood and can control there forms and elements. They are near extinction due to a lack of femaled and low birth rate. Some of them have specail capabilites. They can communicate telepathically for short distances. And eveyone of them has a Lifemate. Some turn into the worst creatures after to oong without there other half. These are vampires.
Tara is a fledling to her kind. She is a hybrid carpathain. Which caused her unique ablities.
She wants to be different then most of her species. She wants her fledgling days to be in the light and to be a hero. Before shes bound to the moon and hiding from humans.
Shes a teen going for UA. Even if her Pro-Hero gsther doesnt agree. Who knows? She might even find love.