Some say that a smile can help you forget about the things the person has wronged you - and for Kath, it literally happens to her. Why? Well, she has to figure that herself - if she remembers that is. Kath lost everything in her life and that has stopped her from smiling. What's the point in being happy when there's no one to keep her on track? And to top it all off, she keeps forgetting things that are usually important. Everything seemed pointless to her before but when her ex-boyfriend came running back to her, she almost cried because he looked so broken - just like her. With no hesitation, she allowed him back into her life...which she keeps forgetting is the problem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Second attempt at a short story. Will be doing a lot of practice-writing since I'm almost gonna be taking my pre-lims! Plus, I tried to do my very first romance-themed story. :D Have fun!Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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