THIS IS NOT MY STORY. PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION!!!!! Pettey, the authour of this book is freaking amazing. The website where her book is found was annoying me because I'm trying to read this while I'm traveling. Please go visit the site and show her something love. I did not get her permission to publish this here so I will take it down soon unless I'm able to get her permission. You can find her book here, please show her some love in the comments. Author's summary: After his transfer to a quiet seaside town, Jeongguk was prepared to face a year of uneventful CID work, but found himself dealing with a series of strange murders instead. There is also a trailor on youtube that was made by sapphiamur, its freaking awsome. (Take a look at some of the other trailors that sapphiamur has made, they are really good.)All Rights Reserved